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Read about the Checkout, Shipping and Delivery process.
Purchase your desired products online and have them delivered either by Regular or Express Australia Post directly to your doorstep. At the moment we offer two flat rate shipping rates: Regular at AUD 8.50 and Express at AUD 12.50. You can buy the product directly from the Store landing page (Featured products) by clicking on the Buy now button below the product. Alternatively, you can click on product image/description, review the information displayed on the Detailed Product page and then click on Add to Bag button. When you are done with selecting the products you can either click on the Go to Checkout button, or click on the Shopping Cart icon in the top right corner. In the Shopping Cart you can modify the Quantity by clicking on the Qty dropdown menu and selecting desired number of items. If you want to remove the product from your shopping cart entirely, click on the X button to the right of the product description. Next, a Regular shipping is added as a default option - however, you can change it to Express shipping later during the Checkout process. You can pay by a credit card, debit card or Paypal. At the Secure Checkout page, you‘ll see the content of your Shopping Cart (ordered items’ description, Quantity ordered, subtotal (dependent on the quantity), shipping, calculated GST and TOTAL amount). During the checkout process please enter your email address (that will be used to send you order status updates and the Invoice), your First and Last name, Phone, and Shipping address, then click the Continue button. Next, confirm your Shipping method - either as Regular Post, or Express Post. The TOTAL price is recalculated automatically, then click the Continue button. Finally, in the Secure Payment form section please enter your card details, provide any special requests on your order and complete the transaction by clicking the Pay
Return & Refunds Policy

Contact us
WorryLessDeals is a Sydney-based online store helping clients with meeting their health and beauty needs. Always great prices and customer service! In case you need any additional information please reach to us with any questions or feedback and we will aim to answer it within the next business day.